Oregon Jericho
Oregon Jericho is a local grassroots organization based in Portland, Oregon fighting for the human rights of those who are wrongly incarcerated. We are a not for profit and non governmental organization with no paid organizers. We are strictly volunteer run! Many people who are wrongly incarcerated are considered as Political Prisoners. We define Political Prisoners as persons who have been incarcerated for their political views, actions and commitments. They have conciously fought against racism, sexism, colonialism and imperialism. They are freedom fighters! While in prison they continue to adhere to their principles. Oregon Jericho was formed in 2010 inspired by the larger Jericho Movement for Political Prisoner Amnesty. We are non-sectarian and non-vanguardist. We are not explicitly religious however the name Jericho refers to the biblical story in the book of Joshua where people raise the clamour to destroy the oppressive walls of empire! Jericho is a movement with the defined goal of gaining recognition of the fact that Political Prisoners (PP’S) and Prisoners of War (POW’s) exist inside of the united states despite the u.s. government’s continued denial and winning amnesty and freedom for these PP’s.
Prisoner Letter Writing Community Event
First Tuesday of the month 7pm-9pm
@ 2249 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97214
Free event, open to the public, kid friendly & disability affirmative
All materials provided but please donate stamps, envelopes, black ink pens and writing paper if you are able!
Co-sponsors: Portland ABC, Oregon Jericho, Portland Central America Solidarity Committee, The Jericho Movement, Portland Books 2 Prisoners, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Portland Animal Liberation, Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee (Portland Chapter), Portland IWW, Resistance Ecology
June 2015 Events
COINTELPRO 101: Film Screening
Monday June 1st 2015 7:00-9:00pm
Clinton Street Theater
2225 SE Clinton Street Portland Oregon 97202
Suggested donation of $5-10 No one turned away for lack of funds!
All ages, open to the public & disability affirmative!
Join us for a film screening and thoughtful discussion about political repression in U.S. history. "COINTELPRO 101" is a one hour film documentary, produced by The Freedom Archives, explaining an illegal FBI program coined as the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), spearheaded by J. Edgar Hoover, that targeted revolutionary struggles such as the Black Liberation, American Indian, Chican@, Puerto Rican Independence and anti-war/student movements of the 60’s and 70’s. We will start the film with a brief presentation of ongoing local work and the film will end with a brief Q&A session about the film and the legacy of COINTELPRO.
Co-sponsored by KBOO Community Radio 90.7fm, Critical Resistance Portland, Oregon Jericho, Freedom Archives, The Clinton Street Theater, PM Press, Portland ABC
June Vigil for Keaton Otis
Friday, June 12th 6:00pm - 7:00pm
NE 6th and NE Halsey
Keaton Otis was a young Black man murdered by the Portland police almost five years ago, May 12, 2010. The police admitted they stopped him for "looking like a gangster." They shot him 23 times after tazing him while he sat in the driver's seat. Later police said Keaton had a gun, but have yet to produce it. Keaton's father Fred Bryant held a monthly vigil on the 12th of every month since his son's murder on the spot where Keaton's life was taken. Fred Bryant did this for over three years, fighting for justice for his son, every single month in the rain, the dark, the heat, the snow. Fred Bryant passed away October 29, 2013. His family and community have committed to continuing the vigils every month on the 12th, until justice is achieved for Keaton, for Fred, for our whole community.
Please join that struggle this month and help to spread the word.
#BlackLivesMatter #Every28Hours
The History of the Black Panther Party and Its Relevance Today
Race Talks: Opportunities for Dialogue
Kennedy School Gymnasium 5736 NE 33rd Ave
Tuesday, June 9th 6pm doors open; 7pm event
Free event, All ages welcome
About the speakers
Rev. Leroy Haynes, senior pastor at Allen Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in NE Portland
Percy Hampton, retired labor union representative
Kent Ford, retired Portland Parks & Recreation fitness trainer
Fight the Sweeps: Text alert system- @fightthesweeps to 23559
The PDX ABC, Multnomah County Copwatch and Don't Shoot Portland along with a few other groups are working on ways to fight this new campaign of classist displacement. Join the actions alert system. We are working with members of the houseless community to distribute the following phone number to the various camping sites around the city (971-533-8210). Houseless folks can then use that number to alert people in the actions alert system when the police come to remove them or give them 24 hours notice as they are legally required. Right now we are just asking for folks to show up and do some copwatching at the least. We will be sending out text message alerts and updating this page when news comes in. If you would like to be added to the text alert system please text @fightthesweeps to 23559. We also need help distributing flyers!
The Portland Police Department has just announced a new campaign on behalf of Mayor Charlie Hales to "sweep" many of the local homeless camps from the city. Their saying it could be the biggest in years. What we know is that these sweeps have historically resulted in more deaths to the houseless community as people lose the bit of stability they have built for themselves. This in addition to the continual shootings and murder of the houseless population by the PPB must be stopped! Portland has one of the largest houseless populations in the country and the Mayor wants to "sweep" it under the rug to make room for big business development to further gentrify the city. Hales and his cronies in the PPB and Portland Business Alliance have blood on their hands
More info on the sweeps here:
copwatch guide found here
We Rally - 3pm
We March - 4:30pm
Facebook Event Page
Tuesday May 5th 2015 7-9pm
First Tuesdays of the month
@ 2249 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97214
Free event, open to the public, kid friendly & disability affirmative
All materials provided but please donate stamps, envelopes, black ink pens and writing paper if you are able!
Co-sponsored by: Portland ABC, Oregon Jericho, Portland Central America Solidarity Committee, The Jericho Movement, Portland Books 2 Prisoners, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Portland Animal Liberation, Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee (Portland Chapter), Portland IWW, Resistance Ecology, Lumpen Prole Distro
Media Tools for Change I: Making, Messaging & Movement Building
University of Oregon
1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403
McKenzie Building- Room 229
In this workshop we will cover the basics of using community media organizing from three different perspectives, and drawing on each of our diverse backgrounds and skill sets. The main sections will cover DIY media making, how to get the mainstream media to tell your story (called earned media), and a introduction to models of collaborative media networks. Specific examples of skills we can teach are; ripping and converting video materials for use in DIY video production, organizing a press conference, and how to conduct a radio interview.
Sponsored by the Radical Organizing & Activist Resource, Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media & Education, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Oregon Jericho
P.S.- If you can't make this event here are the details for the next day at the Growers Market!
Media Tools for Change II: Making, Messaging and Movement Building
Friday May 15th 2015 6:00pm-8:00pm
Free & Open to the public!