Aisha Mohammad

National Co-Chair & Newsletter Editor
Contact Information
A'isha is an activist for social justice, a spoken word poet and writes poetry, short stories/essays. She has performed at venues in New York and San Francisco for various causes as well as is working on a book of poems & essays in her free time. She is a freelance writer for an Islamic Organization. She served as an Ambassador for Alwatan, Hebron, Palestine.
A'isha worked at an inner city community health care center in New York, which was a central Multi Service Agency (MSA) founded decades ago by an African American woman, Ms Geneva Scruggs, who was an advocate. It was a cornerstone of care and compassion for generations of families. Aisha worked as a counselor and psychologist after earning her PhD in 2000. Her orientation, as the agency's, was from a social and humanistic perspective. Advocacy/activism for clients was always a part of the work, as clients who were HIV+ and those who suffered from mental health/drug addictions sought to make their way through legal and other systems, often faced racism, stigmatization and even violence. Aisha did prison advocacy addressing prisoner needs and release campaigns.
After moving to California, she began her own practice which advocated for building healthy communities, human rights & dignity, holistic health and healing, life coaching, story telling, photo novella, artistic therapies, Reiki, support groups, as well as healing circles and mediation. She also volunteered for 8 years at the "Middle East Children's Alliance" (MECA) for the Palestinian cause, as well as volunteering at "The Center for Empowering Women through Arts and Languages" and "The Self Help Hunger Program" founded by sister/comrade Aunti Frances (BPP).
A'isha started the Bay Area Solidarity Committee for Jalil Muntaqim in 2010, after years of friendship with brother, former Political Prisoner/POW Jalil Muntaqim. In 2012, she was approved to start Oakland Jericho and with Baba Melvin Dickson (BPP, CCBPP-may he rest in Power) as a mentor and advisor, Oakland Jericho grew as an active and known chapter in the bay area.
A'isha lives by the philosophy taught to her by her parents "stand up to injustice, help others and remain humble, we are all in this together"