What is the Observatory for Human Rights of Euskal Herria?
BEHATOKIA - Basque Observatory of Human Rights is an initiative by several Basque organizations defending human rights. Proponents of BEHATOKIA are: TAT (Group Against Torture), Etxerat (Association of relatives of political prisoners represaliad @ s s s Basques), Eskubideak (Association Lawyer @ s Basques s) and Gurasoak (Association of mothers and parents of young victims of repression). The aim of these groups to promote BEHATOKIA is the starting center for dialogue with international organizations, non-governmental organizations and groups working in the defense of Human Rights, to give to know the violation of these rights in general and specialized way. Coupled with this, BEHATOKIA work before courts and international bodies filing complaints in cases that we believe has been infringed fundamental rights and the competent authorities of the Spanish and French states not been repaired. Along with this, the dissemination of information on violations of fundamental rights by states occupy a large part of the work of BEHATOKIA.