Anarchist-computer hacker POLITICAL PRISONER
Contact Information
Prison Address
#18729-424, FCI Memphis
Post Office Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38184
United StatesBirthday: January 8, 1985
Affiliation: Anarchist-computer hacker
Captured: March 5, 2012. Sentence: 10yrs
RELEASED NOV. 17, 2020
“Jeremy Hammond, a former member of the hacking network Anonymous who has become a cause célèbre for hacktivists, civil libertarians and those concerned about the rights of whistleblowers, is a gifted young computer programmer who is currently spending a decade in prison. His crime? Leaking information from the private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, information which revealed that Stratfor had been spying on human rights activists at the behest of corporations and the U.S. government.”
Freed Political Prisoner