Adam Carpinelli

Adam Carpinelli is a multifaceted artist, producer, community organizer and musician. Carpinelli has been a long time advocate for community media as a way of supporting social movements with a focus on mass incarceration and houselessness. He co-produces the Prison Pipeline program at KBOO community radio where he served as a board member. Other board positions have included Right 2 Survive, Alliance for Community Media NW, Resolutions Northwest, Peer Tribe, 1 World Chorus, One Big Family Oregon and Amplifyr. Adam served as the National Secretary for The Jericho Movement for Political Prisoner Amnesty for ten years. He supports underserved and incarcerated youth in Oregon with a unique audiovisual music program; Keys, Beats, Bars and Propulsion Network a multimedia arts program. Adam resides in Portland, Oregon producing and composing his own special brand of genre bending music.