Brown, Grailing (Kojo Bomani Sababu)

Contact Information
Birthday: May 27 , 1953
Affiliation: Black Liberation Army
Captured: 1975: Life
Kojo Bomani Sababu is a New Afrikan Prisoner of War. He entered the carceral system at age 22, along with anarchist Ojore Lutalo, following a bank expropriation, death of neighborhood drug dealer and actions with the Black Liberation Army, resulting in a 55-year sentence.
Kojo was charged with conspiracy to escape Federal Prison at Leavenworth with Jaime Delgado (veteran independence leader), Dora Garcia (prominent community activist) and Puerto Rican Prisoner of War, Independentista Oscar Lopez Rivera, and which alleged plan included rockets, hand grenades and a helicopter.
Born in 1953, Kojo’s childhood brought early tragedy when his father died coming home from work in 1962, and again two years later when his mother was murdered – a double devastation on a young boy. His mother’s influence and guiding presence in his life held fast as “he continued to live out the lesson she taught him, that education is a tool with which to change society.” – newafrikan77
"... we must make great strides, reorganizing ourselves to embrace the difficulties we face. I have no solutions but I will say this: There are some great political minds contained in America's prisons, which are growing old as their era of life departs, this resource needs to be tapped before it expires. Do not abandon the political prisoners and POW s, they are still insightful with their knowledge and experience.”
Kojo was moved to FMC Butner on July 24, 2024 for hip replacement surgery.