Johnson, Kevin Rashid #1007485

Contact Information
Prison Address
Red Onion State Prison
10800 H. Jack Rose Highway
Pound, VA 24279
United States
Kevin “Rashid” Johnson was born October 3, 1971 in Richmond, VA. He is a social prisoner who was first imprisoned in 1990. Throughout his early imprisonment he distinguished himself for resisting the abuses of himself and his peers by prison guards. Beginning in 2001 Rashid became politicized while incarcerated and as a result he became active in writing about and publicizing the abuses within U.S. prisons. Rashid became an accomplished political theoretician, organizer, and artist. He co-founded the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), which he later helped reconstitute as the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party (RIBPP).
Rashid was involved in helping to organize and develop support for a number of prisoner support organizations and protests. These include the three historical prisoner hunger strikes in opposition to solitary confinement led by California prisoners in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He created the logo that came to represent that struggle and subsequent nationwide prisoner protests.
In return, he was profiled by the Virginia State Police and federal agencies as a domestic terrorist threat in 2009, and prison officials have transferred him from state prison system to state prison system. Since 2012 he has been “compacted” from Virginia to Oregon to Texas to Florida; then back to Virginia, and most recently to Indiana. These retaliatory transfers, which have seen him repeatedly held in solitary confinement and targeted with retaliatory disciplinary actions, have not deterred his resolve and efforts. He is the author of DEFYING THE TOMB (2010) and PANTHER VISION (2015)
Rashid is a prolific writer and accomplished artist. Go to his website:
Politicized Prisoner